Saturday, June 28, 2008


Hey everyone!! Sorry I haven't written in a while! But, I'm giving up on blogging beacase I'm no good at it! HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Runescape Updates

Yesterday, I found out that Jagex (the owners of were hiding something from the rest of the Runescape community... The graphics are about to get SERIOUSLY tricked out! If you haven't seen my profile pic, you should. That is a future pic of Runescape!! The place they're at is in the courtyard in front of the Varrok castle. If you've never seen Runescape, the slideshow will show you a picture of it. And you will be truly amazed at the difference!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Ok, get this. This one girl at my school told me to f### off. She has been a total nub to me my entire life. I have no idea why. Anyone wanna tell me? In my opinion, she should just SHUT HER MOUTH and BUGG OFF!! She's a total doosh bag to me and anyone who hangs-out with her, cannot be trusted. She thinks she's better than everyone. SHE'S A DOOSH BAG!!

My first entry

Hello, my name is Zac. I'm 13 years old from Michigan. I love video games and the color blue. My fave band is Good Charlotte and my fave song is Keep Your Hands Off My Girl. My fave video game is Medal of Honor Frontline. And that's me!!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"